
Foundation of the company - Sheet steel fabrication hall in the area "Knappschaftsglück" in Neunkirchen. In 1950 the founder Theodor Henrichs decided to do his own trading business. On May 2, 1952 the industrial company was officially registered in Burbach.

Business started with the fabrication of wire boxes and sheet steel boxes for dairies etc in a sheet steel hall with one employee. After several extensions the area did not allow any further enlargement. Therefore, in 1963 the company moved to the "Hellerberg".

The first trade register of the company was made on November 28, 1957. In 1958 the company manufactured curtain tracks.

In 1970 the first 890m² hall with administration offices built in 1963 at the "Helleberg" was extended by a second hall of 500m².

The first punching parts had been manufactured for the following industrial areas: cars and utility vehicles, do it yourself industry, office furniture, medico-technical devices, laboratory appliances, machine construction, military technology, fire fighting technology, pyrotechnique, power plant construction and the store euipment industry. However, sheet steel stacking boxes, punched and without holes, mostly special designs, also belonged to the range of fabrication.

During the next years new developments led to fabrication of finished products. Those were for example gas and oil heated flow heaters with integrated vertical burner for high pressure cleaners like the types TEHA BR750 and BR1000

Introduction of the mobile warm water high pressure cleaner

In July 1983, the new building of Hall 3 was built in the direction of Neunkirchen. A displaceable high-rack bearing now enables efficient storage.

Introduction of the mobile cold water high pressure cleaner

Start of the production of the hose reel type STRO. These are manufactured from lacquered sheet steel or stainless steel (304 and 316Ti) for manual, automatic or motor driven operation. Special designs for explosive areas (ATEX) are also available.

The new development "stationary hot box" is introduced. This type can be extended to three boilers BR1000.

Introduction of the TEHA manhole covers.

Approx. 40 employees are manufacturing our quality products on an area of 2.605 m² . Modern CNC-controlled machines as well as computer assisted construction (CAD) allow us to accompany you from the idea to the finished part with solid quality Made in Germany.